
Workshop "Control of Quantum Systems @Erlangen"
Erlangen, 11–13 December 2024

Quantum control theory gravitates around one basic question: whether it is possible to drive a quantum system from any given initial state to (a neighbourhood of) any target state in a finite time. Providing a precise answer to this question is the first step towards a practical understanding of this problem: how to control such a system in an optimal way with respect to the resources at our disposal, and in a robust way with respect to detrimental effects such as noise and decoherence.

The workshop "Control of Quantum Systems @Erlangen 2024" [ConQuEr24] gathered mathematicians and physicists working on quantum control theory, fostering discussions and new collaborations. In particular, the focus of the workshop was on the mathematical challenges in the way of quantum control: infinite-dimensional systems, product formulas, Lie algebras, etc. Thanks to all participants—and see you around!

See here the photo gallery of the workshop, and download here the workshop material.

This workshop received financial support by FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg through the Emerging Talent Initiative (ETI), and by the European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance (EELISA), co-funded by the European Union under GA No. 101124676. We also thankfully acknowledge logistic support by the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light.