Research activities
Summary of research activities.
Quantum dynamics: asymptotics and approximations
Description of research activity.
Selected publications:
D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, G. Gramegna, and K. Yuasa, "One bound to rule them all: from Adiabatic to Zeno". Quantum 6 (2022), 737.
D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, R. Hillier, and M. Ligabò, "Taming the rotating-wave approximation". Quantum 8 (2024), 1262 (2024).
L. van Luijk, N. Galke, A. Hahn, and D. Burgarth, "Error bounds for Lie group representations in quantum mechanics". J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57 (2024), 105301.
Open quantum systems and Markovianity
Description of research activity.
Selected publications:
D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, M. Ligabò, and D. Lonigro, "Hidden non-Markovianity in open quantum systems". Physical Review A 103 (2021), 012203.
D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, and K. Yuasa, "Eternal adiabaticity in quantum evolution". Phys. Rev. A 103 (2021), 032214.
D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, and R. Hillier, "Control of Quantum Noise: On the Role of Dilations". Ann. Henri Poincaré 24 (2023), 325–347.
Many-body quantum mechanics and spin systems
Description of research activity.
Selected publications:
D. Burgarth and A. Ajoy, "Evolution-Free Hamiltonian Parameter Estimation through Zeeman Markers". Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 (2017), 030402.
L. Banchi, D. Burgarth, and M. J. Kastoryano, "Driven Quantum Dynamics: Will It Blend?". Phys. Rev. X 7 (2017), 041015.
D. Burgarth, P. Facchi, H. Nakazato, S. Pascazio, and K. Yuasa, "KAM Stability for Conserved Quantities in Finite-Dimensional Quantum Systems". Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 (2021), 150401.
Quantum control
Description of research activity.
Selected publications:
E. Blumenthal, C. Mor, A. A. Diringer, L. S. Martin, P. Lewalle, D. Burgarth, K. B. Whaley, and S. Hacohen-Gourgy, "Demonstration of universal control between non-interacting qubits using the Quantum Zeno effect". npj Quantum Information 8 (2022), 88.
D. Burgarth, J. Borggaard, and Z. Zimborás, "Quantum distance to uncontrollability and quantum speed limits". Phys. Rev. A 105 (2022), 042402.
A. Balmaseda, D. Lonigro, and J.M. Pérez-Pardo, "On Global Approximate Controllability of a Quantum Particle in a Box by Moving Walls". SIAM J. Control Optim. 62 (2024), 826–852.